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Salvia melissodoraGrape Scented Sage

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Salvia melissodora Grape Scented Sage image
Salvia melissodora Grape Scented Sage image
Salvia melissodora Grape Scented Sage image

Salvia melissodoraGrape Scented Sage

This item is currently not available for purchase.

About this plant

8 Feet
Perennial in Zones 8-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Evergreen, Water Conserving
Culinary, Fragrant, Hummingbird, Ornamental

Growing & using Grape Scented Sage

A mature Grape Scented Sage in bloom

This stately Grape Scented Sage is about 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide. It was planted about five years ago. It has both fragrant foliage and flowers. The sweet freesia like scent of the flowers is a welcome addition to the autumn garden. Both leaves and flowers can be used to make tea.

Flowers of Grape Scented Sage make a fun garnish.

The softly colored flowers can also be used as a garnish. A late blooming plant that is particularly loved by hummingbirds, Grape Scented Sage complements the fall blooming Lion’s Tail and Lemon Verbena. Dark green Lemon Thyme makes a fragrant under planting for Grape Scented Sage and helps to hide the open branching at the base of the plant.

Grape Sage flowers

Growing and Using Salvias

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