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Salvia farinacea cv.Victoria Sage

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Salvia farinacea cv. Victoria Sage image
Salvia farinacea cv. Victoria Sage image
Salvia farinacea cv. Victoria Sage image

Salvia farinacea cv.Victoria Sage

This item is currently not available for purchase.

About this plant

1 Foot
Perennial in Zones 8-11
Flower Color
Dark Purplish Blue
Full/Part Sun, Evergreen
Dried Flower, Ornamental

Growing & using Victoria Sage

The wondrous flowers of Victoria Sage

Victoria Sage is small plant that is big on color. Drying the flowers produces a dark lavender color. Perfect as a front of the border or edging plant, Victoria Sage can be grown as an annual in Zones 7 and under.

Apricot Blush Foxglove and Victoria Sage

Victoria Sage is in its second spring and is a perfect complement to the tall Foxgloves.

Victoria Sage is small plant that is big on color. Drying the flowers produces a dark lavender color. Perfect as a front of the border or edging plant, Victoria Sage can be grown as an annual in Zones 7 and under.

Victoria Sage with Grey Santolina

This is the same patch a year later. The photo was taken from a slightly different angle and captures how perfectly the blooming Gray Santolina is with it. The shrubby dark green bush in the back ground is Greek Bay. Overall it is a very Mediterranean look.

You might try Veronica.

Growing and Using Salvias

View Other Sages