Excessive heat is forcasted for our area for the week of July 22. As soon as the weather drops below 100 here, we will notify you with a ship week date.

The Beauty of Bicolor Flowers!

More colors mean more fun.

Some bicolor flowers are subtle with their color combinations and some just sport a bit of another color. The muted spring colors of the Bicolor Butterfly Bush are not so obvious when looking at a single bloom but, when the bush is covered with these dotted spots of pink and orange, the effect is spectacular. Similarly, these Rockroses are just dotted with a blotch at the base of each petal. But, when viewed in mass, this little bit of different color brings depth to the flower which draws your eye to their spectacular display. Other bicolor flowers are so striking that they take your breath away.

Clove Pink Dianthus

Many Dianthus, like Dianthus Nova, have more than one shade of the same color located within their petals.

Chomley Farran Dianthus

But others, like Chomley Farran mix it up with two different colors. Chomley Farran is so vibrant you would almost think it was dyed by a human instead of by nature.

Magic Carrousel and Sierra Sunrise Roses

Magic Carrousel and Sierra Sunrise miniature roses show their bicolor markings in fairly uniform ways that are both beautiful and sophisticated.

Twister Rose

Twister, on the other hand, is a riot of color that not only has no repeatable pattern but also varies in hues of red from flower to flower.

Bicolor Salvias

In the Salvia family, Hot Lips Salvia shows its “Twister” qualities by also varying where the splotching appears on the flower and how deep the hue. Mexican Bush Sage and Diane Texas Sage give us the same pattern and color placement every time.