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Salvia splendens van HoutteiBrazillian Sage

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Salvia splendens van Houttei Brazillian Sage image

Salvia splendens van HoutteiBrazillian Sage

This item is currently not available for purchase.

About this plant

4 Feet
Perennial in Zones 9-11
Flower Color
Full Sun
Hummingbirds, Ornamental

Growing & using Brazillian Sage

Salvia vanhoutii Brazilian Sage

This two year old Salvia Van Houtii defied its zone rating this year and came back from the ground. The other two Brazilian Sage planted with it, sadly did not make it. This photo was taken in October when the bush was in full bloom. It had been blooming since August. Hoping to make it a three year old bush, it was mulched heavily at the crown before it was decimated by a late November frost.

The pendulous wine-colored flowers are particularly striking against the silvery leaves of White Grosso Lavender.

You might try Pineapple Sage.

Growing and Using Salvias

View Other Sages