Growing & using Pine Scented Rosemary
In Zone 8, mid to late winter is when most Rosemary plants start their incredible period of bloom. The Pine Scented Rosemary above is just starting to flower and will be covered in blue in a short period of time. The flowers are a welcome sight in the middle of winter when little else is coloful. It is also important for bees to have winter blossoms to visit.

Pine Scented Rosemary (on the left) shows its feathery character when positioned next to the sturderier leaves of the White Thin Leaf Rosemary.
This wispy leaf makes Pine Scented Rosemary ideal for using fresh in any recipe using Rosemary. It makes a great addition to our Gourmet Herb Garden Six Pack.
Rosemary has been reclassified as a Salvia. It is now botanically known as Salvia rosmarinus. Common names have not changed. So instead of Rosmarinus angustifolia “Pine Scented Rosemary”, the correct name is now Salvia rosmarinus “Pine Scented”. We will, as time goes by and more folks get used to this, change all botanic references for these plants.
This plant is often available in plug trays. These trays hold 128 of all the same plant. They are a great low cost way to fill a lot of space. Each cell is 3/4 of inch by an inch. Check here to see if Pine Scented Rosemary Plug Trays are available.