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Origanum sipyleumShowy Pink Oregano

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Origanum sipyleum Showy Pink Oregano image
Origanum sipyleum Showy Pink Oregano image

Origanum sipyleumShowy Pink Oregano

This item is currently not available for purchase.

About this plant

2 Feet
Perennial in Zones 7-11
Flower Color
Pinkish/ Purple
Full Sun, Herbaceous
Dried Flower, Fragrant Ornamental

Origanum sipyleum 'Showy Pink Oregano'

Ornamental Showy Pink Oregano FlowersShowy Pink Oregano and Marshall's Memory

Bouquet bonanza! These two bundles of Ornamental Oreganos have just been cut, but they will retain their colors for at least a year. Showy Pink Oregano on the left and Marshall’s Memory Oregano on the right are two must have plants for dried flower arrangements. Showy Pink Oregano is a two foot tall wave of pinkish-purple flowers with slightly blue oval leaves. It is actually the bracts that give the cut flowers their pink color Cut bouquets before the flowers brown, and arrange them fresh in a vase or on a wreath. No need for special conditions or treatments, just put them in the vase or on a wreath and walk away. To dry for later arrangement, group in small clusters of not more than 4 to 6 stems. Flowers shatter after dry if fussed with too much.

You might consider Rosenkuppel Oregano.

More about Ornamental Oreganos

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