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Lavandula lanata 'Boiss'Woolly Lavender

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Lavandula lanata 'Boiss' Woolly Lavender image
Lavandula lanata 'Boiss' Woolly Lavender image

Lavandula lanata 'Boiss'Woolly Lavender

This item is currently not available for purchase.

About this plant

3 Feet
Perennial in Zones 8-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Evergreen, Water Conserving
Dried Flower, Fragrant, Ornamental

Growing & using Woolly Lavender

Woolly Lavender getting ready to bloom

This Woolly Lavender shrub is getting ready to burst into bloom. Because we have pruned it properly and given it enough space, it will bloom on all sides like a porcupine.

Woolly Lavender is the last lavender to bloom here so it extends our lavender season. Truly silver, Woolly Lavender is a bit more tender than the L. angustifolias or the L. x intermedias. Make sure it has good drainage and it will make a beautiful addition to the garden with its smoky, dark purple blossoms. It looks great planted with dark green foliage plants like Rosemary or Lemon Verbena.

Woolly Lavender in Pot

Woolly Lavender makes a great addition to our Zone 8-11 Fragrant Herb Garden Six Pack.

You might try Richard Gray Lavender. Richard Gray has beautiful gray foliage like Woolly Lavender but it also has a nice dark purple flower.

LAVENDER 1-2-3: Choosing, Planting, Growing, Pruning, Harvesting and Using lavender plants

Other Lavender Plants