Growing & using Colorado Yarrow

Grace your garden with the finely cut leaves and soft colors of Colorado Yarrow.
Flowers bloom until the high heat of summer and colors may include deep red, rose, yellow, apricot and white. More than one color may be in a pot.
Like all yarrows, Colorado Yarrow should be cut back to the ground after flowering. Yarrow can be mowed several times throughout the growing season to make an attractive ground cover. This usually means, that in order to avoid really pointy sticks, you need to keep it from flowering or shear it way back after it flowers.
Yarrow flowers are a magnet for beneficial insects and butterflies which is why Colorado Yarrow makes a great addition to our Wildlife Herb Garden Six Pack.
Colorado Yarrow also makes a good addition to our Edible Flower Herb Garden.
You might check out our Cerise Queen Yarrow.