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Thymus leuchotrichusJuniper Thyme, Moonlight Thyme

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

Thymus leuchotrichus Juniper Thyme, Moonlight Thyme image

Thymus leuchotrichusJuniper Thyme, Moonlight Thyme

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

About this plant

6 inches
Perennial in Zones 5-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Evergreen, Water Conserving
Ground Cover, Ornamental

Growing & using Juniper Thyme, Moonlight Thyme

Juniper Thyme

Juniper Thyme is a pungent small sub shrub that grows about six inches tall and blooms profusely. It silvery rigid needles also give it the name Moonlight Thyme. Cut flowers off after bloom to keep it tidy.

Culinary Thymes, like Juniper Thyme, are small which make them perfect candidates for growing in a container.

View Other Thymes