Due to excessive heat next week, we are scheduling orders to ship the week of September 9.

Rosa Renny Miniature Rose

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

Rosa Renny Miniature Rose image

Rosa Renny Miniature Rose

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

About this plant

2 Feet
Perennial in Zones 5-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Deciduous
Culinary, Dried Flower, Ornamental

Growing & using Renny Miniature Rose

Renny Miniature Rose

Look at the huge size differences found among miniature roses. Windy City Miniature Rose, in the back, gets an easy four feet, Renny, in the front, is about two feet and Baby Austin Micro Mini, off to the right, struggles to reach 18 inches. These three pink roses bloom in spring and late summer and look amazing together.

Renny Miniature Rose has a lot going for it. It’s quarter sized roses are flat with three rows of bright pink flowers. Growing in clusters of six or seven the roses show different shades in the same cluster as old ones age to a pale pink and new ones open revealing their true color.

Renny has a mild rose fragrance not often found in miniature roses. Renny Rose is almost completely thornless.

Like all roses, miniature roses are sun loving and fairly drought resistant. Plant in well drained soil and fertilize with an organic fertilizer in the spring. Dead canes can be pruned anytime but most pruning occurs in the fall when we shape the plant to the desirable height and width. All rose petals are edible, if grown organically, and make attractive garnishes for salads. They can be added after cooking to almost any dish. Whole buds can be used to decorate cakes or other confections. Before using any flower in food, a sample flower should be pulled apart and inspected for insects.

Choosing and Caring for Organic Roses

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