Growing & using Baby Austin Micro Mini Rose
Baby Austin is a sometimes referred to as a micro-mini rose because its pale pink petals and leaves are tiny. Each bud is the size of a dime that opens to a nickel size rose. The plant grows to about a foot and half tall. It is a prolific bloomer and quite a show stopper. Because of its diminutive size, it makes a good choice for container growing. Start by placing our three-inch pot into a container that will hold about a gallon of potting soil. Potting soil should have a coarse texture and have organic granular fertilizer mixed in before planting. Check the container each year to make sure the rose is not root bound. If it has filled up the container with roots, transplant to at least a gallon size larger container.
Like all roses, miniature roses are sun loving and fairly drought resistant. Plant in well drained soil and fertilize with an organic fertilizer in the spring. Dead canes can be pruned anytime but most pruning occurs in the fall when we shape the plant to the desirable height and width. All rose petals are edible, if grown organically, and make attractive garnishes for salads. They can be added after cooking to almost any dish. Whole buds can be used to decorate cakes or other confections. Before using any flower in food, a sample flower should be pulled apart and inspected for insects.