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Pelargonium Brilliant Scented Geranium

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

Pelargonium Brilliant Scented Geranium image
Pelargonium Brilliant Scented Geranium image

Pelargonium Brilliant Scented Geranium

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

About this plant

2 Feet
Perennial in Zones 10-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Herbaceous
Culinary, Fragrant, Ornamental

Growing & using Brilliant Scented Geranium

Brilliant Scented Geranium Flowers

When we first bought this geranium it was labeled “Pineapple” which we didn’t really understand. While it has a nice fresh fragrance, it definitely doesn’t smell like Pineapple. We eventually uncovered its real name which makes a lot more sense because the large pink flowers are brilliant pink. The leaves are a rich green and the bush is very easy to grow.

Brilliant Geranium showing off against a wall.

We can over winter it with extra protection, like next to the house. It can also be grown in a container and over wintered in the house. It will need progressively larger containers as it does get quite large.

More on Planting, Pruning, Fertilizing, and Using Scented Geraniums

View Other Scented Geraniums