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Lavandula x intermediaSeal Lavender

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Lavandula x intermediaSeal Lavender

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About this plant

2 Feet
Perennial in Zones 5-11
Flower Color
Dark Purple
Full Sun, Evergreen, Water Conserving
Butterfly, Culinary, Dried Flower, Fragrant, Ornamental

Growing & using Seal Lavender

An oldie but goodie, Seal Lavender is highly fragrant lavender with bright purple flower heads. Like all L x intermedias, it is a perfect choice for a hedge. The strong scent of Seal makes it ideal for potpourri and other fragrant crafts.

Seal Lavender makes a great addition to our Zone 5-11 Fragrant Herb Garden Six Pack.

You might try Abrial Lavender which is similar in growth but a bit darker in flower color.

LAVENDER 1-2-3: Choosing, Planting, Growing, Pruning, Harvesting and Using lavender plants

Other Lavender Plants