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Epilobium canumCalifornia Fuchsia

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

Epilobium canum California Fuchsia image
Epilobium canum California Fuchsia image
Epilobium canum California Fuchsia image

Epilobium canumCalifornia Fuchsia

Selected plant size: 3-inch pot

About this plant

3 Feet
Perennial in Zones 7-11
Flower Color
Full Sun, Water Conserving
Hummingbird, Ornamental

Growing & using California Fuchsia

Glorious color of the Gray California Fuchsia

Gray California Fuchsia (formerly Zauschneria cana) is a gorgeous, reliable, easy care, drought tolerant late summer/early fall blooming plant with profuse bright orange-red flowers. Its soft gray foliage and 1-2 inch long flowers are light and airy and move gracefully with the breeze.

We cut our plants back to the ground each fall. Once established Gray California Fuchsia can take quite a bit of drought but looks better with regular watering

Gray California Fuchsia is a very important fall blooming plant, not only for the much needed boost of color, but also for the nectar rich flower tubes that feed the hummingbirds.

Gray Calfornia Fuchsia flower

Sometimes called Hummingbird Trumpet because of its narrow flower, the shape is just the right shape for tiny little tongues to lap up sweet nectar. Since hummingbirds average 1000 flowers a day, it is fortunate that this shape keeps out a lot of competing insects.

California Fuschia emerges in March.

This California Fuschia has spread to cover 20 feet or more over about 10 years.The new spring growth that emerges from the ground in late March is a striking bright green.

For more information on fall blooming plants, be sure to check out Fall’s Fabulous Follies.

This plant is sometimes available in plug trays. These trays hold 128 of all the same plant. They are a great low cost way to fill a lot of space. Each cell is 3/4 of inch by an inch. Check here to see if Gray California Fuchsia Plug Trays are available.