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Cucumis sativusDiva Cucumber

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Cucumis sativus Diva Cucumber image

Cucumis sativusDiva Cucumber

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About this plant

Sprawling vine
Warm Weather Annual
Full Sun, Frequent watering

Growing & using Diva Cucumber

Diva Cucumber is a 2002 All American Selection winner. It is a prolific, self pollinating variety that produces all female flowers, (which are the ones that make cucumbers). Diva is sweet and crisp and mostly seedless. The plant is resistant to scab and tolerant of powdery and downy mildew. Cukes get between six and eight inches long. They are burpless with very thin skin and can be eaten as a slicer or pickled. What more could you possibly want from a cucumber!

Like all veggies, Cucumbers prefer fertile, well-drained soil that has been enriched the season before with compost. Cucumber plants should be set out when all danger of frost has passed. Space about 12 inches apart. To conserve space grow them with supports. If allowed to sprawl on the ground they can cover 10 or 12 feet. Growing on supports also helps with ground bugs and slugs that like to hollow out the fruit as they lay on the ground. We allow ours to sprawl but always spread Sluggo on the ground to prevent slugs and other insects from destroying our fruits.

When you harvest resist the urge to pull them off the vine which usually ends badly for the plant. Use your nippers or knife and cut cleanly off the vine.